The Little Impressions

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About Us

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Welcome to the little impressions

Where we mix experience and knowledge to provide comprehensive evaluation and therapeutic services for kids with AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER, SENSORY PROCESSING DIFFICULTIES and various other Neurological and Developmental Disorders.

Our Program That You Can Choose

Professional Psychology
Therapy Program

Family Counseling

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Stress Issues

Aenean feugiat dolor sit amet augue ultrices porta Quisque finibus elit nibh sed.

Anxiety Disorder

Maecenas volutpat fermentum leo. Interdum et malesuada fames.

Business Failure

Maecenas volutpat fermentum leo. Interdum et malesuada fames.


Vestibulum vehicula ante quis nisi pulvinar, in hendrerit neque euismod.


Sed ut libero ut lorem posuere bibendum aliquet et augue Donec in ligula elementum.

Let Me Introduce

I'm Dr. Verina, Expert Psychologist From New York

Nunc vel bibendum mi. Vestibulum eu facilisis mauris. Duis consequat commodo ex, at volutpat nunc egestas et. Praesent id ultricies lacus. Nullam feugiat felis nec semper posuere. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum sit amet convallis velit.


Service By Best Psychiatrist

Donec at mauris pellentesque, sagittis neque ac, ullamcorper sem. Aenean at libero posuere, vestibulum neque in, suscipit lectus. Nunc venenatis rutrum mi tristique blandit.

Anxiety Disorder
Business Failure
We Are The Best

Why Choose Us ?

Sed in massa felis. Integer at euismod nisi. Nunc eget ante eros. Vivamus ullamcorper tempus dolor. Curabitur luctus congue cursus. In vehicula tempor odio quis accumsan.

In House Psychiatrist
Years Eperiance
Session Per Year
Successful Therapy


Our expert therapist will use the initial consultation to determine the level of the support the child requires through

Parent interview

Standardised assessments

Clinical observation

Then the session plans are developed based on the abilities and interests of the child

The idea is that we empower you to be your child’s teacher or therapist and help them develop the essential skills we would otherwise work on in a face-to-face session.
Your OT will also provide access to any resources and information including online programs, games and activities so you can support your child in everyday contexts.